Thursday, March 1, 2012

At Brisk: Gunung Nuang

It’s almost 7:00 when we arrived at the airport. After we checked-in our luggages took a quick snack @ Tokyo Café and wait at the boarding gate. As I did my usual travel naps here and there while waiting, partner-wifey checked some more fancy coffee shops for curiosity. Later after boarding, on our respective seats, I readied myself for my only option possible-hibernate.

By 2am we were at our destination airport. Still, recovering from a gobbled vision after a “just-do-it-please”sleep, I have to get it going and land travel with our luggage 80 more minutes to KL City. And as we travel along I could see numerous raindrops hitting the shuttle’s windscreen as I also see wet and shining road pavement ahead: it’s raining cats and dogs. Afterwards, shuttle service dropped us off to our hotel and finally moved-in. At our room, while wifey hunted for the bed, I have to set my daypack, dressed-up and be ready for my days’ activity. Noelet will be at the hotel lobby any minute soon! Windbreaker, head torch, canned lunch, granola bars and going back clothes as I set my gears quickly. The thought of buying some water and breakfast to fill my near empty stomach has not materialized when Noelet arrived telling me we still need to get to another hotel for the car pool. The water and breakfast idea was dumped into oblivion. At the next hotel, we meet Sharva and off we go to Genting Sempah meet-up point.

While my colleagues were busy doing some stretches and warm-ups, I jumped and browsed some local foodchains around. Found one local food joint offering freshly cooked ( and still smoking)breakfast: Nasi Goreng. Swiftly, breakfast at last! Who would have thought that I can eat my breakfast in two minutes, huh! And now, for my immediate water supply----7-Eleven. Then, I was ready to rock!!!

I was welcomed by the group. Alex congratulated me for making it to the jump-off all the way from the airport with little sleep and no breakfast yet (that’s what they thought lol). Everyone jumped in to their respective vehicle and started the one and a half hours drive to Selangor. Sharva’s car is impressive as I listened to his talking GPS system. Later, we arrived at our trailhead. Gunung Nuang!!!

After Alex’s short briefing, we moved out and started the much awaited hike. Everybody was smiling with excitement. One, two, three, four hours. River, foot path, rocks, weedy trail and then muddy scrambling towards the summit. Others gave up, while I patiently waited for the last leg to summit. One ridge after the other, another ridge after another. It seemed to be endless. I just hoped for more patience from myself to get to the top. There was one point that I wanted to stop and have my lunch on the trail but some friendly voices from below told me to go ahead and I’m almost there. “It’s more sumptuous eating lunch at the summit” someone said. Okay, okay….so I went on realizing neither do I have special sumptuous lunch …just a canned Tuna Paella which I brought from home. “Sige na nga lang!” Minutes after……summit. Jesmail was already there. I overheard her earlier before the hike saying she trained well for Gunung Nuang.

And so after lunch and some photos, we decended. I tailed Jesmail this time and locked my distance with her until we reached the last point. By the river, while waiting for the others, I washed my dirty clothes,shoes and later tidied-up. An hour has passed and no one hasn’t arrived yet. As I waited for the rest, I napped on a nearby land tractor parked near the riverbed. It’s almost 6:30 when Sharva finally made it to the river, rested a while, changed clothing and off we go back to civilization. By 10:30 pm I was infront of our hotel room door knocking. There was wifey patiently waiting for me and immediately offered a hot soup treat at nearby downtown street food market. After the soup and glassful of Herbal tea with palm sugar, a soothing hot shower and gone I dove to the bed of oblivion. Zzzzzzzzzz…….

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