Friday, October 12, 2012

Our Mt. Kanla-on talk

boehoewwww! I wanted to climb that!! nice! i can go back to climb with you. Maus. So when can it be? Not in a while I guess =/ The plan was to climb this with Amaya, I think we told you right. Had slots and everything...but then...the earthquake Well, I guess I should be thankful that I was not there during the earthquake or landslides. Glad you made it though
Thanks. This was taken few days ago at the height of the storm Sanba. Several meters away from the crater, we persisted and made it!! went up there anyway. Was that even allowed? You got some more pictures?
There was no danger warning when we started the climb Friday though rain hasn't stopped several days prior to our climb. We pushed to the saddle camp the fastest we can and wished to dry ourselves. But more rains up there, no more visibility and crater assault is impossible. We waited till the following day but still no visibility. When the rain somehow mellowed down around 9am, we immediately pushed towards the crater, took some photos and went down. Will post more photos.
Hahaha, yeah I wish! Comie back, Maus. Amaya told me you have a permit. The volcano is waiting!! I'll be back but I'm not sure when yet... Amaya, hold that permit! I'll be back but I'm not sure when yet...

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